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Anyone fromUK
Anyone fromUK
I am a few stages behind you - just trying to work out which clinic to go well as getting my head around the whole donor egg craziness - which i think i have almost done. What made you choose this clinic ? Did they inspire confidence in you ... have you been well treated? Can I ask how much it costs?
Sorry so many questions! And have you had to wait a long time or are they quick...? [IMG]smileys/smiley5.gif[/IMG]
Anyone fromUK
Hi noodle, I have only just made the decision, I've been told to allow £10k. but nowhere will tell you the exact cost until you have your first appointment. I looked at Institute Marques and IVI, but my counsellor said she had visited IVI and they were very good. We are going IVI Alicante as we have friends who live just outside, so no hotel fees, eventhough I would have preferrred Barcelona. I contacted IVI Velencia, Barcelona and Alicante and although Alicante took much longer to reply they sent me the most information.
I have an appointment with my GP on Monday to see if I can get all the preliminary tests done on the NHS. Different clinics ask for different results.
It would be great to have a buddy who is going through the same things at the same time, so please keep in touch x
Anyone fromUK
Noodle, my last tratment cost around 6000euros, it was a fiv-icsi and that included the medication that costs 500 euros alone! In the IVI clinic I go to there isn't a waiting list to be seen, I phoned for an appointment last week and my first appointment to see about starting a new treatment is on Tuesday. Of course every case is different and maybe if you're using donar eggs you have to wait longer for them to find a suitable donor etc. I don't know. But to be seen and to start the ball rolling you don't have to wait very long at all.
Anyone fromUK
Hi Noodle, Hope you are well.
I have been advised that at Alicante there are no waiting list for egg donors. There's only a 'technical' waiting time until the donor is ready for the ovum pick up. 1st appointments are available from mid February.
This is great news except there are quite a lot of test results you need to take with you. This is yet another brick wall I have hit as my GP is not very willing to help, so I now need to get them done privately.
How are you getting on with things?
Anyone fromUK
Hi Noodle, Hope you are well.
I have been advised that at Alicante there are no waiting list for egg donors. There's only a 'technical' waiting time until the donor is ready for the ovum pick up. 1st appointments are available from mid February.
This is great news except there are quite a lot of test results you need to take with you. This is yet another brick wall I have hit as my GP is not very willing to help, so I now need to get them done privately.
How are you getting on with things?
Anyone fromUK
...Hi All,
Still confused. I am torn between Ceram and Marques...I want them to compare pics of me with the donor which Marques claims to do. Ceram however says its not legal in Spain to photograph the now I am totally confused! Who is telling the truth? Does anyone know the deal with any of the clinics both to try and match pics with donors or is that just something they tell you to reassure you.....?
I am finding it hard to get a straight answer out of any of them...can any of you ladies tell me what success rate IVI offers and is it the same across all their clinics or does eg Barcelona have better results than Alicante?
I find it hard enough to make a decision at the best of time - but this is a nightmare!
Anyone fromUK
Hi everyone
We are off to IVI Alicante for our first appointment next week to see about egg donation treatment after we were put in touch with another couple with a success story who recommended the clinic to us. We are English but live in Germany and as they don't do treatment here it was a choice between UK and Spain. We have gone for Spain as we've been told that there are no real waiting times only surrounding getting the donor and recipient ready for the treatment process.
I would love to hear views on your experiences of the clinic as I am feeling both excited and nervous about the whole process but also share with anyone already or about to go through similar. [IMG]smileys/smiley5.gif[/IMG]