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Embarazo Ectópico y Metrotexato
Embarazo Ectópico y Metrotexato
Soy Bianca, tengo 40 años y baja reserva ovárica.
(1 tratamiento en Ginefiv - 2 en IVI Madrid)
Total: 4 trasferencias
Soy de Madrid y llevo metida en el mundo de las FIV desde hace algo más de un año y medio, tiempo en el cual me he hecho tres ICSI con vitrificaciones previas, 2 con resultado negativo y la última con resultado positivo (Blasto de cinco días vitrificado).
Lamentablemente terminó a las 6+5 en un embarazo ectópico de localización desconocida y me diagnosticaron aborto tubárico.
La Beta bajo de 2000 a 480.
Una semana después mi beta estaba a 481.
5 días después la beta estaba a 1800 !!!
Hace dos días me pincharon METOTREXATO y dentro de dos días voy a hacerme revisión.
Estoy muerta de miedo a que no me baje la beta o cuanto tardará en bajarme, si tendrán que ponerme otra dosis de metotrexato, si tendrán que operarme aunque si no está localizado el ectópico...
Y lo que más me preocupa.... ¿Cuánto tardaré en recuperarme?
El tiempo corre en mi contra y yo sigo esperanzada en intentar quedarme embarazada con mis propios óvulos....
Busco información de experiencias parecidas... ojalá alguien responda a mis inquietudes y me cuente su experiencia.... gracias....Etiquetas: Ninguna
Embarazo Ectópico y Metrotexato
Well this coming week is a really exciting one with a New Years Eve wedding (where I may just change into this fun number near the end of the night). It will be my second time going to a new years wedding but my first time shooting one so I am very excited! What a way to spend the holidaySan Francisco passed rules to require use of compostable bags. Rather than be forced to go that route, many retailers found other ways to answer the call for fewer bags on the planet. Whole Foods Markets has been selling reusable bags for years but is now going a step further. Nonetheless at occasions, you cant help but make some sacrifices and seem an additional way. But that does not imply you have caught with placing on a simple, uninteresting wedding celebration gown. Shortly after all, that is your wedding ceremony celebration day.
Overland Park lies between I-35 (north) and 199th St (south) and State Line (east) and Quivira (west). [ edit ][ add listing ] See Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead , 13800 Switzer, tel: (913) 897-2360, [2] . The Deanna Rose Farmstead is basically a farm petting zoo for kids, which they get a large kick out of. The report and the signature page for the dissertation are usually signed at the time of the dissertation defense. Detailed information regarding the submission of the dissertation can be found in the Blue Book. Black Prom Dresses The Blue Book, Instructions for Preparation and Submission of Doctoral Dissertations Masters Thesis is available online at http://ogsr.
My outfit was totally something I would wear though! Also handy as I had already turned up to the shoot wearing this hat, top and bag, with the Jeffrey Campbell studded shoes freshly purchased from the Office in Topshop Oxfrd Circus. Camo Prom Dresses Yes I got them just for this day and took them straight back afterwards - they were incredibly uncomfortable haha!Read Part 1: Using Crowd Funding Sites to Raise Money for Your Small Business Below is a list of crowd funding sites, including both US and non-US crowd funding sites. Some of the crowd funding sites below are industry and niche-specific, such as Foodstart. I am afraid that if I start waxing poetic about this particular picture, MANY, MANY of you will immediately click away. You see. I shot this picture on complete Manual mode WITH a custom white balance in mixed lighting conditions with waning natural light.
9 billion Source of wealth: gaming Country: Japan Roberto Civita family Net worth: $4. 9 billion Source of wealth: publishing, TV Country: BrazilAs the Elizabeth Taylor Collection is unveiled at Christie's in London tomorrow, we bring you a selection of the most dazzling pieces - and how the late star wore them. Im not so much into this kind of vintage anymore, it all feels a bitsamey and musty. Camo Prom Dress But itwas stockedto the brimwith all kinds of dresses and hats and tutus. I tried on a few things for fun, and took in the long sleeved, tight black dress with thepointy ruffles on the shoulders that seems to be a signature piece but didnt even try it on in the end. I used my inexpensive travel Janome (the one I keep at home) to make a winter coat for my daughter last year. It didn’t have any trouble with the bulk and kept up me without complaining at all. It’s a terrific beginner machine and can be taken anywhere for classes, etc.
The brother then stopped answering his phone and email. Ostreicher's daughter, Gitty Weinberger, said Monday evening in a phone interview from her home in New Jersey that she had been informed of her father's safe arrival in the US but the two had not yet spoken. Bolivian government officials said they did not know whether Ostreicher had left the country, but were aware of the report. We're doing fine. Toby : Today, sure, and the second day's story is how you pulled it off. But the third-day story is that Congress doesn't want to pay, that our coalition's fraying, that the spokes are coming off the wheels– Bartlet : It's a couple of days. He was compensating for it. " We should be more forgiving and less invasive in people's private life's. Very demanding about their public life.
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Embarazo Ectópico y Metrotexato
Bianca a mi me trataron un embarazo no localizado con metrotexate y has de saber que hasta dentro de 6 meses no puedes buscar embarazo porque el metrotexate podria perjudicar al embrion. en mi caso la beta nunca supero 200 y me fueron controlando hasta que bajo bastante.
espero que tengas suerte y te baje pronto y que puedas conseguir ese embarazo tan deseado con tus ovulos.
Embarazo Ectópico y Metrotexato
Bianca, yo acabo de pasar por algo parecido, con un ectópico en una trompa y otro en la zona cervical por dentro, ambos se veían muy difusos, solo que cuando ya me iban a bajar para quirófano para abrirme por laparoscopia y pincharme el cervical que ya empezaba a distinguirse por suerte comencé a sangrar (estaba de casi 7 semanas y la beta me hacía cosas muy raras, subir, bajar, volver a subir y subir, luego estancarse, vamos un infierno) y al final la cosa ha terminado hoy por suerte como un doble aborto, y no han tenido que ponerme metrotrexato. Hemos aguantado a riesgo de que me rompiera algo por mi edad (45) pero me han controlado todos los días en urgencias con analítica, ecografías y el médico pasándome consulta. Al final hoy me ha bajado a 0 la beta y a finales de la semana pasada bajó muchísimo.
Me dijeron que según la dosis de metrotrexato, entre 3 meses y 9 meses según el número de pinchazos y la dosis.
La verdad que una lástima ver ahora tu post, yo he pasado lo mismo por fechas parecidas. Cuéntame como te fue al final.