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Hello I'm new in this forum

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    Hello I'm new in this forum

    I have been through my first transfer of 2 embryons on the 5th of Nov. and the Beta HCG was actually pos. until week 5[IMG]smileys/smiley19.gif[/IMG]
    Now I would like to here if anyone have been through a similar treatment and your experience with that - and with IVI and how they handle it.

    I am thinking of trying once again but I think that it's extremely difficult to think that it might happen again. Hav eanyone tried more than once?

    All the best

    Hello I'm new in this forum

    Hi Oline, I feel what happened to you

    Where are you from?

    The next year I am going to make my third ICSI in IVI.

    My experience with them for the moment is really good. But I can not compare because I have only been with them but a lot of girls that have been in another clinics say that IVI is the best.

    I know that it is difficult to try again, because you are sad with the first but think that perhaps the next is the right one.

    Good luck!!


      Hello I'm new in this forum

      Hi Esmeralda and thanks a lot for your aswer:-) I'm from Denmark and you?

      It is true that for every time one try it gets more and more dificult. I also have good experience from IVI though, and I think that especially the doctors are very professionel. But maybe they don not have so much focus on the phsycical part of it. And if you don't ask they are not very informative. Anyway I think I will try again but I don't know when. I am really nervous this time. And you? When are you going to visit IVI and what treatment will you have the next time?

      Good luck to you as well!!!


        Hello I'm new in this forum

        I am from Spain.

        I have to make more tests and I think I will start again in january. And I am very nervous this time, because I hope that I have not the bad luck of the other times. One biochemical (I don´t know if this is the correct word in english, I hope you understand it) and one miscarriage in the 9 week.

        But I think that the next it will be better and I will have my baby or babies!!

        Is there IVI in your country?

        Perhaps you have to try with another doctor.. but sometimes is true that you have to ask and ask.. and they are not very informative.


          Hello I'm new in this forum

          Hola Esmelralda

          la verdad er que mi castellano es mejor que mi Ingles asi que te voy a escribir en castellano esta vez. Siento mucho saber que has pasado por ese aborto bio....(de todas formas a mi no me gusta el nombre porque suena tan frio) y que ademas tenias un miscarriage en semana 9. Pero me encanta que sigas con el optimismo porque aun queda mucha esperanza y es la única cosa que podemos hacer. Seguir esperar y pensar positivo - asi algún día seremos madres:-)

          No, no tenemos un IVI en Dinamarca. Hay clinicas muy buenas pero con listas de espera. Pero claro, tampoco no es facil tener que irse a Valencia. Ademas porque ahora han cambiado de las rutas de vuelos y no hay vuelos directos.

          Yo he tenido el dr. Simon y tengo la impresion de que es bueno. Pienso realmente que yo misma tengo parte de la culpa al no poder relajarme suficiente. he pasado por una epoca muy estresante en mi trabajo y no sé si eso puede influir..? De todas formas ahora voy por primera vez en mi vida a hablar con un psicólogo antes de contactar con IVI de nuevo. Nesecito saber como bajar el nivel de estres por que es un enemigo que tengo...el estres. Bueno Esmeralda, espero que tengas mucho exito la proxima vez en enero y tienes que contar como va.

          Un saludo grande y FUERZA!


            Hello I'm new in this forum

            Hola oline, creo que el estres es inevitable en todo eso, pero es cierto que también pienso que no nos ayuda a nada. Yo también he pensado seriamente ir al psicólogo antes del próximo tratamiento porque creo que puede ayudar.. al final no sé qué haré..

            yo también espero que tengas mucho éxito!!

