Anyone else experiencing very long response times? - IVI: Foro de Infertilidad y Reproducción Asistida


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Anyone else experiencing very long response times?

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  • kiacha
    Anyone else experiencing very long response times?

    I am also having the same problems and considering strongly finding another clinic. I have to constantly email asking questions otherwise I believe I would never hear from my coordinator. Has the situation improved for you? If yes, what happened to change it?

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  • Anyone else experiencing very long response times?

    After researching many fertility clinics in Spain, my husband and I thought we had made our final decision to work with IVI-Barcelona. We were very excited to start the process and we were very happy with the response times and information we were receiving....until we made our payment for the consultation with the doctor. After that, everything started to go downhill.

    Our experience has been that ever since our botched consult with the doctor (nearly an hour late, her Skype wasn't working so we had an awkward 10 minute phone call), we are having serious difficulty getting anyone to respond. Our coordinator takes 2-3+ weeks to reply to emails and the doctor has yet to reply to questions regarding blood work that I send at the beginning of December. I've had to resort to copying every email that I can find to get a response.

    I have been told that the "pace" in Spain differs from that here in the US but I find 2-3+ week response times (and 6+ weeks response from a doctor) to be completely unacceptable. My fertility doctor here is also super busy but he will always reply within a few days.

    Question for the community: Has anyone else experiencing difficulties in receiving responses to emails? Or, is it just me? I am very nearly at the point that I am going to cease working with IVI and move onto another clinic.

    Fertility treatment is an emotional and stressful experience and pursuing this in another country is even more so. I am very, very disappointed in the level of service I have received from IVI staff so far. So bummed because they came highly recommended.

    **cross-posted on Barcelona forum**