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Técnica IMSI
Técnica IMSI
Hola!!, me he enterado que existe una nueva técnica que se llama IMSI, es lo mismo que ICSI pero con la diferencia de que el microscopio que usan tiene 12.000 aumentos, frente a 400 aumentos que usan en ICSI. Esto supone que pueden ver un único espermatozoide de forma completa y poder seleccionar el más adecuado morfológicamente. Es muy útil en cualquier caso de zoospermia y de fragmentación del ADN espermático. Además según tengo entendido son capaces incluso de detectar alguna desviación genética con FISH positivo. Os lo cuento porque sé que en IVI Madrid lo están usando y dicen que está dando muy buenos resultados, ya que escogen entre todos "el perfecto."
Si a alguna se lo han hecho o conoce algo al respecto estaría genial que lo comentara y poder compartir la experiencia con las demás.
Muchas gracias y suerte a todas en este camino tan largo y muchas veces tan complicado.Etiquetas: Ninguna
Técnica IMSI
Hi IRIS 82
sorry, I don't write spanish, I just want to tell you, that I have chosen to go to IVI Madrid because they are the only IVI clinique to offer this interesting technique; I'll have a donoregg treatment, and I'm scandinavian, so I should perhaps chose Valencia where all the others scandinavians go. I don't know IVI Madrid at all, o maybe you can help me. I would be very grateful - and you can of cours write in spanish if you prefer.
Técnica IMSI
Hi lamie!, I don't know IVI Madrid neither cause I'm in IVI Valencia, but I'm very interested in IMSI, I think that this technique can help us to becoming parents. For this reason I need to know if someone has used IMSI and if it's effective. What's your problem?, why do you need IMSI?.
Técnica IMSI
my partners sperm is very bad : there are only few cells and many are with malformation. I've been told - in Valencia - that they don't do IMSI, only Madrid does. So that's why I've chosen them. But I'm still very unsure. It seems that nobody goes to Madrid, everybody goes to Valencia, and I'm afraid I will wait a VERY long time for a scandinavian looking donor....there must be a reason why all scandinavians go to Valencia, or is it "just" because, Valencia is the oldest clinique....????
Técnica IMSI
lamie, It's true that IVI Valencia is the oldest clinique, but there are also the best doctors and with more experience. But in others cliniques like IVI Madrid there are also good doctors, it's true, don't worry. If your problem is bad sperm you shouldn't doubt, IVI Madrid is the best choice with IMSI. What a long trip to be mother, isn't it?, is it difficult in Scandinavia?
Técnica IMSI
Iniciado por IRIS82lamie, It's true that IVI Valencia is the oldest clinique, but there are also the best doctors and with more experience. But in others cliniques like IVI Madrid there are also good doctors, it's true, don't worry. If your problem is bad sperm you shouldn't doubt, IVI Madrid is the best choice with IMSI. What a long trip to be mother, isn't it?, is it difficult in Scandinavia?
well it works for some in Scandinavia of course (I'm Danish) and I've been to one of the best cliniques there, but I've never been able to become pregnant. It' so frustrating. I'm so afraid to be disappointed yet again. It gets worse every, yes you're right - what a long way to TRY to become a mother -since we don't havn't have a garuantee for succes [IMG]smileys/smiley13.gif[/IMG]
But now I bought the tickets to Madrid, and then we'll take it from there, since they do IMSI. It just bothers me, that it's difficult to find women who went there....maybe everyone returns to Valencia in the end....???
lamie2011-09-22 2206
Técnica IMSI
Hello. I'm sorry because my English is worse.
Lamie tell you that I will now start in October in IVI Madrid. This is my first IVF, we are not going to use IMSI still, my partners sperm is ok, we're both right, our diagnosis is unexplained infertility, but the doctor told me that my cycles are too short.
Sorry I can not help giving you more information on IMSI, but I will say that I know several couples who have managed to get pregnant in IVI Madrid.
I just wanted to encourage you, you're in good hands, very sure. I am impressed that you come to Spain to be a mother. It's amazing what we can do to achieve our dream. And you will get.
I want to make access to a page to see the official results of private Spanish clinics, I hope interest you.
Técnica IMSI
[QUOTE=Nikitachan] Hello. I'm sorry because my English is worse.
Lamie tell you that I will now start in October in IVI Madrid. This is my first IVF, we are not going to use IMSI still, my partners sperm is ok, we're both right, our diagnosis is unexplained infertility, but the doctor told me that my cycles are too short.
Sorry I can not help giving you more information on IMSI, but I will say that I know several couples who have managed to get pregnant in IVI Madrid.
I just wanted to encourage you, you're in good hands, very sure. I am impressed that you come to Spain to be a mother. It's amazing what we can do to achieve our dream. And you will get.
I want to make access to a page to see the official results of private Spanish clinics, I hope interest you.[/QUOTE]
Dear Nikitachan
Thank you so much for the link, which is very instructive.and thank you for encourageing me. I really need it. I've already tried so many times without succes, but everybody tells me, that IVI in Spain are the Best...and the numbers talk for them selves.
Yes, it's stressfull to go abroad to try to become a mother, but I simply have to. It's my only chance and I want help from the best specialists! I'm still not sure if I go to Valencia instead...I expect a call form the coordinator who promised to find out, what they can "offer" in Valencia instead of IMSI, which is aparently only practiced in Madrid...
hug and all the best for your project. You're probably much younger than me, so I'm sure it will work for you. Good luck
lamie2011-09-29 15:51:42
Técnica IMSI
Lamie, don´t worry. In IVIMadrid there are a lot of doners. I am sure they can find someone with a scandinavian look for you. I have succeed to be mother with an eggs donor in my first treatment. I have two eight- month old babies. And I have a blonde and blue eye friend who has succeed too with a donor in Madrid and her babies are blonde and with blue eyes too. So don´t be afraid and good luck¡
Técnica IMSI
Iniciado por laurapamploHola Iris82 en valencia tb la tienen no??
Técnica IMSI
Hola, yo estoy en IVI Madrid. Este verano hicimos IMSI y conseguimos 2 embriones de buena calidad (la mejor). Me quedéembarazada pero a las 6 semanas lo perdimos. Ademas del esperma de mi marido que está mal, parece que yo tengo un problema de coagulación y el aborto puede haber ser debido a eso.... Yo os animo a ir con IMSI a IVI Madrid. Son muy buenos profesionales.